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This image showcases the logo and text of "Jonas Construction Software Blog" positioned centrally against a blurry backdrop filled with orange safety helmets. The picture conveys a construction-related theme and points towards industry-specific content on the blog.
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Alt text: Multiple marketing brochures with vibrant graphics and construction-related text, displayed in a fan shape. An adjacent smartphone showcases a construction app tailored for specialty contractors.
construction softwaremobile construction softwaremobile software solutionsmobile solutionsOperationsweb-based construction software

Embracing Mobile in the Construction Industry White Paper

Apr 28, 2016 With the recent advancements in mobile technology, new and improved ways of streamlining and optimizing business processes now exist. A number of ...
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Alt text: Logo for Chiller Systems Service, Inc., depicting a green flower emblem with eight rounded petals alongside the company name written in a green serif font. Ideal for mechanical contractors.
construction management softwareconstruction service softwareconstruction softwareconstruction software blogconstruction software for contractorshvac contractor softwareOperations

Q&A with Chiller Systems Service

Apr 15, 2016 Before transitioning to Jonas Construction Software, Chiller Systems Service was using Maxwell as their construction software system. With Maxwell primarily an accounting ...
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construction software which carefully organizes and manages multiple tasks and tools.
construction accounting softwareconstruction management softwareconstruction softwareconstruction software solutionintegrated construction softwareService Management

Still playing in the Minors? Make the Jump to a Major League Construction Software!

Apr 06, 2016 When it comes to selecting a software solution for your construction business, the decision can be a tough one. Are my employees ...
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