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A banner promoting Jonas Construction Software, showcasing a cheerful Business Executive explaining the benefits of the software using an interactive presentation which includes phrases like "Growth without adding resources" and "Game-changing stories". This signifies how the software simplifies complex tasks and adds value by maximizing efficiency and productivity. The backdrop is enticing for specialty contractors looking for innovative solutions to streamline their workflow.
Silhouettes of specialty contractors working on scaffolding amid protruding steel rods at a construction site, set against a dramatic sunset sky.

12 Essential Construction Process Management Steps that Project Managers Should Follow

Construction projects are one-of-a-kind, lengthy and complex. They have timelines that are measured in years, […]

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Accounts receivable in construction industry

6 Tips for Effectively Managing Accounts Receivable in the Construction Industry

Most construction and service companies operate by allowing a portion of their trades to be […]

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Gantt Charts in Construction: Everything You Need to Know

When it comes to construction project scheduling, it requires a keen eye and precision. Throughout […]

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on planning and coordination tasks in the construction field.

How to Build the Perfect Chart of Accounts for a Construction Company

How to Build the Perfect Chart of Accounts for a Construction Company Keeping track of […]

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Alt text: Young Asian male engineer in safety gear using a digital tablet with Jonas Construction software to inspect an industrial site filled with large metal structures and pipes.

7 Signs You Should Invest in Mechanical Service Software

The mechanical service industry has changed, yet mechanical contractors are often plagued with the same […]

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Alt text: Canadian flag waving proudly in a blue sky with two under-construction high-rise buildings in the background, illustrated as being managed by Jonas Construction Software. Building cranes prominently displayed symbolizing progress and growth.

40+ Ontario Construction Industry Statistics To Help Your Business Stay Ahead

Calling all construction and service businesses in Ontario, Canada! This article is for you.  Ontario […]

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manage and monitor project updates.

Electrical Contractor Industry Statistics Point Towards a Brighter Future in 2021

In the wake of the pandemic, many businesses and industries have been forced to evolve. […]

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on in agreement, indicating teamwork on a construction project management task using Jonas Construction Software.

How to Choose Construction Scheduling Software: 6 Functionalities You Need

Long timetables, unexpected events, and sudden circumstances can throw metaphorical wrenches into the works of […]

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Image of construction workers in safety outfits performing various tasks at a worksite with a towering crane against an evening sky. One worker is diligently examining plans on clipboard amidst steel beams and scaffolding.

30+ Canada Construction Statistics Contractors Should Know

From Alberta to Vancouver, Saskatchewan to Manitoba, and even Newfoundland and Labrador, construction companies across […]

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steel beams and visible construction equipment in the background.

6 HVAC Field Service Software FAQs: All Your Questions Answered

A day in the life of an HVAC professional is no easy feat. Your work […]

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Two construction professionals, a male and female wearing safety gear including hard hats and reflective vests, are actively engaged in examining project plans on a tablet using Jonas Construction Software. They are located at an active construction site with towering cranes visible in the background.

Construction Risk Management: The Ultimate Guide to Assessing & Managing Your Risks

There’s simply no denying the fact that construction is a risky business! Every day, your […]

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man appears to be in deep concentration as he plans and organizes construction projects. Behind him, a PC screen with Jonas Construction Software interface is visible - highlighting its use in the workflow.

5 Ways to Improve Your Construction Accounts Payable Process

As a construction company, the last thing you want is to overpay your bills! It’s […]

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A construction project manager looking at a laptop on a job site

7 Key Elements of a Construction Risk Management Plan: Manage Your Project Risks

Effective risk management poses a particular challenge for construction companies. On one hand, various risk factors have […]

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Examining a blueprint, two mechanical contractors garbed in orange and yellow safety vests discuss their construction plan amidst an industrial site teeming with large ducts and various building materials.

“Cool” Refrigeration Facts & Stats You Need to Know

What would life look like without fresh fruit, frozen meals, or ice cream? How would […]

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a blueprint and Jonas Construction Software interface on a laptop screen.

7 Common Construction Project Management Plan Mistakes & How to Avoid Them

Construction projects can be very complex and come with many challenges. That’s why managing a […]

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Don’t Let Your Construction
Business Fly Blind!

Don’t let your construction or service business lose payments! Start tracking your receivables like a pro with Jonas software.