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This image showcases the logo and text of "Jonas Construction Software Blog" positioned centrally against a blurry backdrop filled with orange safety helmets. The picture conveys a construction-related theme and points towards industry-specific content on the blog.
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Hand calculating numbers with a pen and calculator, working on a laptop displaying Jonas Construction Accounting Software, surrounded by financial documents containing charts and graphs related to a construction project.
Accountingconstruction accounting softwareconstruction software for accountantsconstruction software for accounting

What to Consider When Looking For a Construction Accounting System

Sep 28, 2015 With all of the advancements in software functionality over the years, making a decision on the right construction accounting system that meets ...
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Four specialty contractors, including two male and two female professionals, deeply engrossed in a brainstorming session over key documents. Their collective focus is drawn to a prominent blue folder being held by one of the men. The scene potrays their intensive discussion around the table strewn with papers and a laptop.
construction business management softwareconstruction management softwareconstruction software for ownersconstruction software implementationconstruction software successful implementationOperations

Preparing for a Successful Software Implementation Process

Sep 23, 2015 When it comes to the construction industry, having a project plan in place to ensure each project runs smoothly is crucial to ...
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Top-down view of a laptop and two smartphones, each showcasing dynamic app icons related to Jonas Construction Software. The devices portray intuitive user interfaces in vivid colors.
bring your own device policyBYODconstruction business management softwareconstruction BYODconstruction management softwareconstruction software for ownersOperations

Benefits vs. Risks of Implementing a BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) Policy

Sep 18, 2015 There is much debate regarding whether implementing a BYOD policy is the best course of action for any construction company. What ‘bring ...
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look on attentively from either side. One man is pointing to a particular feature of the software on the screen while the other has his arms crossed, denoting concentration and control. The scene depicts active discussion about construction project planning and management using Jonas Construction Software.
construction service management softwareconstruction software for service managementconstruction software for service managersService Management

Benefits of a Construction Management Software Solution in Your Day-to-Day Business

Sep 15, 2015 Using manual business processes can critically impact your day-to-day business. Creating schedules by hand and having to manually edit them is not ...
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A group of diverse businessmen and businesswomen engaging in a lively discussion around a modern office table, with one individual accessing Jonas Construction Software on a laptop.
construction business management softwareconstruction management softwareconstruction software for ownersOperations

Integrated Construction Software: Why Your Business Has a NEED for It

As an owner, your time is already limited as it is. Between assessing day-to-day operational functions and maintaining employee and business relations, the last thing ...
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Construction worker in safety gear using Jonas Construction Software on a laptop for Accounting & Payroll, placed on the hood of a vehicle at a construction site with an under-construction house visible in the background.
construction project management softwareconstruction software for project managementconstruction software for project managersProject Management

Is Your Current Construction Software Solution Up-to-date?

Sep 07, 2015 Using an outdated software system can not only create problems for your company with regards to wasted time and costs, but can ...
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Three construction professionals reviewing a large blueprint at a job site, with the central figure in business attire pointing out a particular area of interest.
construction project management softwareconstruction software for project managementconstruction software for project managersProject Management

How a Construction Management Solution Can Add Value to Your Business

Today’s construction industry is fast-paced and globally competitive, constantly evolving with the demands of modern projects and their maintenance. Meanwhile, contractors face unprecedented challenges with ...
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